Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Snow days!

Well it finally snowed like 6 inches here. Which is sort of strange seeing how we have flowers blooming and everything. Jordan is enjoying it so much. It got just warm enough that the snow melted a bit and now the roads are covered in a sheet of ice. It makes for good sledding though. Jordan and I would go out till we were frozen come back in dry our close and go out again. Zane joined us for two of our sledding escapades and then slept through the rest of them. I even took Jordan out last night at 9 oclock on a school night! He thought i was the coolest mom ever. We had hot chocolate and a sleep over since Daddy wasn't home. I think this has been the most fun i have had in at least a year!

Driving this morning was interesting...i had to back down a hill cuz my car wouldn't make it up. So much fun :O)

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like loads of fun! At least the part about sledding- the car bit is kinda scary. You're so chill...
