I keep looking at my blog and trying to write something but i feel so drained. Like i just got a years worth of crazy dumped on me in just a couple weeks time. I really wish i had a picture of what i looked like. Just a little look into one day/night i had(pretty much how my entire week has been)... I have been up all night with a sick baby who only wants to sleep while being held. I would rock him, feed him and sneak him back in bed only to hear him 20min. later. He has a very bad cold so he can't breath well laying down. I got up over 25 times (not joking at all). The three times i actually get him to sleep for a hour Jordan
comes in ALL THREE TIMES, and says he is having a night mere and needs me to pray with him. While all this is going on every time i would get back into bed Nate ,bless his sweet heart, would start talking in his sleep and try to hug me. (Something i usually love about sleeping with him.) Lately i just feel like "If another person touches me I'm going to lose it!" By 4am i was done! No point in even getting back in bed, so i turn on a movie. 6am rolls around and just as I'm laying Zane in bed Jordan wakes up bright and cheery. So thinking i could distract him and maybe get another hour of sleep i tell him he can play his game on his Nintendo. I have been sleeping for no more than 15 min. when he shrieks. I go running to his aid only to find his game isn't working and can i please help him fix it. I fix it, get back in bed, get another hug from my loving husband who gets up 20 min. later. Now im awake and it's time to start my day. (Which constited of me being so tired i couldnt think strait so i pretty much cleaned, and put things away were they were NOT supposed to go.) Zane,who is teething like crazy, does this lunging biting combo while growling feercely ...poor child. Between that and spitting up on me all day I changed my clothes three times and then gave up. The major time he puked so much on me it went down my shirt, pooled in my bra and then down my stomach into my pants. It was lovely. I get up to change and my sweet angel grabs a handfull of my hair and pulls (hard enough to pull some out) while lunging at my face and taking a bite on my chin. It was at this moment that i looked down thinking ...well...absolutly nothing, i was so tired i didn't even care anymore. Zane looks up at me and grins. I just started laughing, changed for the third time and made my 6th cup of coffee, it was only 9am and i had a whole wonderful day ahead of me!
The saddest part of this story is that this is pretty much all i can remeber on a loop for the last 3 weeks! Last night was the first night i got sleep, i feel the cloud lifting! Yeah! I love my life and my family. Even the little puke who is determind to make me look/feel like a frazzled house wife. I love you Zane!!
Gooblin, you are tougher than you think you are. You'll look back on this a few months from now and you'll be amazed at how much you survived. Thankfully, sleep deprivation lends itself to forgetfulness. Otherwise...there would be no "second" children. :)
ReplyDeleteI love you, sis. You are beautiful, even with puke dripping from your clothes.
My quote for the year might be applicable at this point:
"You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." -Jack London
Hang in there, sweet pea. It gets better.