Sunday, March 7, 2010

An epic poop story

So being a mom it is only natural to talk about things like this without thinking of how your child will feel in later years knowing that you were talking about them pooping to other people. Someday they can repay the favor, maybe i will live long enough to give them a poop story. Ok that is just sick...anyhow!

...Zane starts grunting away so Nate feels that it is time to start potty training so he gets him on the toilet. He soon found the reason boys need a pee cup when pee went spraying all over the floor, his pants and the rug. Nate quickly picks him up and Zane proceeds to put his leg, shoe and all in the toilet. Nate gets him undressed ,except his shoes and Zane runs off laughing. In the mean time Nate and i get into a discussion, momentaraly forgetting our child is running around naked. I turn around and see him squatting and scooting and it was to late. Like a little puppy he was leaving "droppings" on the rug, a stuffed animal the hardwood floor. I grab him up, not before he got it on is legs and shoes... I am cleaning him and wondering why Nate isnt helping and i can hear him laughing in the other room. I walk in to see Nate bent over his shoes wipeing the bottoms and laughing. Yes, Zane had done the biggest poo ever and Nate had stepped in it. We were all laughing (until I, being mom was chosen to clean it up) What a great memory :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh.My.God.

    That is sooooo funny! And totally EPIC.
