Thursday, February 11, 2010

Lattes, eyebrow waxing, and the smell of my sisters shirt

Yes the title is strange:) So my life has felt these last couple weeks but these three things were my most comforting moments. (that and cuddling with my husband but he knows that already ;)

My sister Ti flew down from Alaska to be with us last week. She brought with her clothes for me. Strange the things that stick in your head. Like the clothes you were wearing when tragedy struck and now you just want to burn them. My beautiful sister has been through to much in her life but it all lead her to understand just what i would need. What she doesn't know is one of the shirts from her i only wear just to smell it.:) Call me crazy but i love my sister and somehow smelling that shirt makes me feel she is just a little bit closer. I love you Ti. You are amazing! Thank you for being there when i needed you most and didn't even know it.

Below is a link to her blog. Beautiful words she wrote for and about Zane:


  1. Now I'm laughing and crying all at the same time... makes for slobbery unpleasantness all over MY shirt. :)

    Gooblin, you were my Desiree before I gave birth to her. Precious, treasured and loved from the moment I layed eyes on you; it is not possible for me to ever do enough to let you know how much you mean to me.

    I love you. Thank you for this wrap-up of our whirlwind days together last week; it was minutes and lifetimes ago.

    Wisdom dictates that a woman can only begin to face the world if her eyebrows are perfectly groomed. I could offer no less... :)

    You aren't crazy. You are loved.

  2. the smell of her shirt...nice. smiles. so glad that life seems to be heading into a bit more normal days.

  3. Ditto to what Brian said. I have read the story and will just leave a short few words here, not my usual book.

    My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family, may God and his angels continue to watch over you all.

    God bless.

  4. Scent is a powerful thing. The memories come rushing back from just one whiff. What a beautiful way to say how much your sister means to you. Happy Valentines Day!
