Sunday, December 2, 2012

Santa's my dad!?

Jordan, 9.5 year old, has never believed in Santa. In fact he was horrified, at 3 years old, that parents lie to their kids.(His words, not mine:) He is very big on facts and truth so we never had to indulge him in the tooth fairy either. Zane on the other hand ...well let's just say last year he was 3 and he wouldn't believe anyone that Santa wasn't real so I convinced his brother to just let it go and stop arguing about it. Well this year he is four and the argument began this morning once again. Jordan was upset because I wasn't backing him up in the truth.( I was saying nothing seeing if Zane would listen to common sense and reason of his brother) so I finally spoke up agreeing with Jordan and trying to explain . I'll spare you the conversation but at the end I said" Zane daddy is Santa, he is the one that brings you the presents." Zane
looks at me says very matter of fact "Mom, Daddy can not be Santa ! He doesn't have any reindeer" Jordan is dumbfounded at this point, shakes his head and walks away. Zane grinned from ear to ear at me and changed the conversation. Arguing just to argue!? Hhmmm wonder were he got that trait. :-)

1 comment:

  1. So THAT'S where "I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus" came from :)

    Zane is a smart lad- Santa brings presents. Stop believing and the presents could stop. Not worth the risk, really.
