Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tooth Sandwich

Yummy!!...well Jordan lost his first tooth today. Sadly he was eating a sandwich when it happened and he swallowed it. He was very upset ,more at the fact that there was blood on his sandwich than anything, but worried what the tooth would do in his belly. I told him it would be a funny story to gross people out with and to just tell his friends that it tasted great :) So tonight he told his Dad, "guess what i had today... a tooth sandwich!" and then showed him the spot were his tooth had been. Sadly he couldn't keep a brave face in front of Daddy and broke down in tears. He ran away because he was embarrassed and ran strait into the corner of the wall with his face. Needless to say there were more tears, but he is hoping to be able to show a brave face at school tomorrow! Poor baby! He really wanted to take his tooth to show and tell at school! :(

Oh yah and the pictures...He started shaving already....man he is growing up fast! LOL Actually he got a fake shaver and cream so he could be like Daddy and Nate is showing him how to use it. :)

1 comment:

  1. My poor, precious baby! If it's any comfort at all- Des lost her first one and lost track of it as well. I had her draw a picture of it to put under her pillow for the tooth fairy, blood and all, and it seemed to work on all counts! Magically, the tooth fairy understood, a dollar bill appeared in the middle of the night, and Des had a cool story for her class at school.
